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Workman's Comp &     Auto Injury

The growing field of Medical Massage (MM):

Medical Massage is becoming more common and widely accepted with each passing day. Our office works with many local physicians to effect positive change for our patients suffering from either injuries sustained at the work place or from traumatic auto accidents using multiple modalities including Medical Massage, Cupping, Medi-Cupping, Salt Stone, Hydrotherapy and Whirlpool Therapy.

q:  When is a prescription required? 

a:  Work Comp & Auto Injury cases.

q:  Which policies will cover MM? 

a:  -ALL Work Comp & Auto Insurers


     -State Farm


     -& More

q:  Which policies will NOT cover MM? 

a:  -HMO's (Rocky Mt.)


     -Private Insurers


q:  How do I get started? 

a: Workman's Compensation Cases: 

Talk to your attending physician and let them know you'd like to give medical massage a try, they'll send your prescription and case details. After your benefits are confirmed, we'll reach out to schedule your appointments. We typically see patients once per week for the duration of your treatment. While we like to have one therapist stay with you throughout your case, you are more than welcome to switch therapists should you like to try a different style of massage. 

a: Auto Injury Cases

Most auto insurers cover medical massage, we'll need the following information which may be provided via email, fax or phone, we'll verify your benefits within 24-48 hours and reach out to schedule your sessions. 


Claim number

Date of injury (date of loss)

Your date of birth

Adjuster's name and contact information

Rehabilitation and Appointment Expectations

In addition to the skills and modalities used by our therapists, your successful rehabilitation depends on the commitment, attendance and efforts of you as the patient as well. Ideal frequency is at least once a week in order to maintain function gains and improve upon them. At Body we pride ourselves on working with our patient’s schedules so that your therapy sessions have the least amount of impact in your daily life. In addition, your timely attendance is important to us to help keep our wait times short.


Please arrive five to ten minutes ahead of your scheduled appointment. This allows your mind and body to start transitioning from an active busy mode to a more relaxing and receiving mode. Your early arrival gives additional time for your therapist to evaluate your body’s needs and set expectations for your session. It is also your chance to communicate to your therapist, any details from your previous session, changes in injury/ pain as well as any new conditions your body may be carrying. We are committed to accommodating your scheduling needs and are available Monday through Saturday from 8:30am to 8:45pm. Each treatment room is outfitted with hydraulic massage tables for ease of transition to accommodate those in wheelchairs, scooters or boots. We also welcome translators, parents or loved ones to attend your session. 

Medical Forms
Feel free to download and print

Patient Intake Form

HIPPA Release Form


Personal Injury & Auto

© 2015 All Rights Reserved by Body Therapeutics, LLC


-Sciatica and Lower Back Pain-

-Neck and Shoulder Pain-

-Ankle and Foot Injuries-

-Workers' Compensation-

-Auto Injury/ Rehabilitation-

-Migraine Headache-


-Peripheral Neuropathy-

-Prenatal Massage/ Pain-


Mon. – Sat.:

8:30am - 10pm


10:30am - 5pm



Massage, Float, Sauna, Spa

Therapeutic Massage - Salt Stone Massage

Lymphatic Massage - Medical Massage, Infrared Sauna, Ozone Sauna, S.A.L.T Therapy, Oxygen Lounge

Prenatal Massage - Facials

Cupping - Gua Sha

Reflexology -  Medical Massage - Auto Injury

Workers' Comp



Phone: (970) 644-5255

We are located at: 

2500 Broadway Unit E

Grand Junction, CO 81507

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Massage Therapy, Day Spa, Float Therapy, Sauna, Facials, Oxygen, Ozone.

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